Our teaching is based on multiple intelligence. We believe that each child is unique and possesses varied skills and talents which must be explored and honed at different levels. For this reason, we have adopted an assessment plan based on Dr. Howard Gardner’s (World renowned psychologist at Harvard University) Concept of Multiple Intelligence. Teachers are trained to present their lessons in a wide variety of ways using music, cooperative learning, art activities, role play, multimedia, field trips, self reflection and much more so that each child has the opportunity to learn in ways harmonious with their unique mind…
HIS teachers respect the intrinsic integrity and individual differences of each child. It is through example that our children learn and develop respect for others, as well as for themselves. In support of these ideals, the community programme gently introduces our children to ethical and moral issues and considerations. We believe this is essential if our children are to develop an enthusiasm for life, an understanding (even at an early age) of the value of learning and the advantages of being part of a caring community.
Our time table has a provision which incorporates a separate hour to enable the students to complete assignments under the guidance of the respective subject teachers to make it more meaningful and stress free.