
World Tourism Day

Date – 29 September 2023
Venue- Guindy Auditorium
Time – 8.45 to 9.40 am

World Tourism Day is celebrated every year on 27 September.

The significance of tourism is to foster cultural exchange, and explore the beauty and diversity of our planet.

The Assembly began with the Prayer Song by the students of Grade 2, followed by the Introduction to World Tourism day. Showcasing the diversity of various countries’ culture and importance, we had the learners of Grade 2, who represented different countries and displayed a spectacular array of information. The National Flag, currency, festivals, culture, food, greetings in the language, places of attraction, monuments, and history of several countries like UAE, Africa, China, Turkey, France, Germany, America were presented in a captivating way.

The enthusiasm, creativity, confidence and zeal of the students of Grade 2 were truly remarkable and inspiring.

In conclusion, it was a visual trip to various countries and cultures. Students of Grades 1 to 5 watched and had a wider Global Perspective, relating their subject to the theme.