Spell Bee & Quiz Competition
Spell Bee for Classes I & II and Quiz Competition for III to VII. – 15/07/2016 “ What is happening around me – Am I updated!” Students... -
Investiture Ceremony Karappakam
Investiture Ceremony was held at Karapakkam school on the 1st of July 2016.. It started at 02.00 in the afternoon and got over by 03.00 PM.... -
Investiture Ceremony Guindy
“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you’ll land among the stars.” Serve with pride..Lead with confidence..Inspire to impact lives.... -
School Election 2016-2017 Karapakkam Campus
“Today (27.06.2016) Election for the School Captain and School Vice Captain was held at HINDUSTAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, Karapakkam. The... -
Best Brand Award From The Economic Times
“Happy to inform that HIS Karapakkam received the best brand award at Delhi from Economic Times group the award was received by our regional... -
International Yoga Day Celebrations
“Yogi N. Venkata Rao, (MCA, M.SC.) in yoga was the guest of honour at HIS Karapakkam for the International Yoga Day on 23/06/2016. He... -
Founder’s Day Karapakkam Campus
We had the zero period in the morning. Founders Day was celebrated. We had a special prayer by the teachers. The agenda was as follows: Prayer... -
Pre KG and Jr KG School Reopening
“Let them be little Fill their hearts with laughter Help them grow wings Nurture their sense of wonder Inspire them to believe Love them... -
First Day
“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire”. Hindustan International School ventures into another successful...