Hindustan International School- Karapakkam wins the ” Best Innovative School – Teaching – National ” at the Times Education Icon Awards – 2024.

Our students have won prizes in the open level karate competition conducted by Okinawan goju Ryu karate do association at ICF Palanisamy indoor stadium at ICF north colony,Konnur held on -February 4th
Under 6 years category(Grade 1)
1.Kishan Dhev – 1st prize
2.Aadhvik.R – 2nd Prize
Under 12 Years (Grade 6)
1.Ashwanth – 2nd prize

Our school students participated in SVS Vidya Mandir Mount Litera Zee School 5A Side Under-15 Football (Boys) and Throwball (Girls)tournament. In the Football match, Abhinav of grade -VII, received best player award and Avanthika of grade VIII received best player award in the throwball match.

We are extremely happy to share that Sudev Kamath of grade 5B won a Silver in the 400 m dance inline skating competition organized by TNPSC-Tamilnadu Skating and Skating coaches association on (09-02-2024)