

We at HIS, Karapakkam celebrated “Naturathon” on the occasion of our CEOs Birthday, 31st January 2019. The activities were planned to celebrate the same.

Tiny tots enjoyed the day by blowing the air bubbles. Grade-1 and Grade-2 children created own stories using colored stones, pebbles, etc.

Beautiful Sun Dials were made by third and fourth Graders. It also helped the children to understand that Earth rotates on its axis and how the “sun” shines on different parts of the Earth at different times.

Children from Grade-5 and Grade-6 were asked to bring their own kites to fly during the given time. It was an amazing sight to see the colorful kites in the sky and each child trying hard to keep their kite flying high.

Last but not the least, “Nature Walk” children went around the school and picked up the things of a given color and to prepare a greeting out of those things.